Response Fund

Make the Road New York's COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund will provide direct support to our most vulnerable workers and low-income immigrant families, and to organize to ensure they are not left out of government solutions. 
April 2020
Response Fund
Learn more about the HCIDLA Angeleno Card.
April 2020
Response Fund
The stimulus legislation will not extend a helping hand to hard-working immigrant families who do not qualify for federal assistance, even in the midst of a pandemic. If you have reliable income and can afford it, your pledge and eventual donation will be directed to Bridges Academy, an Oakland public school, that serves a largely immigrant population where 80% of students are English language learners. 
April 2020
Response Fund
 How to Help is a fundraising effort organized by Democracy in Color, a project of to support undocumented immigrants during this time of national crisis. Learn more about How to Help here.
April 2020
Response Fund
As part of the $2 trillion COVID-19 relief package, many families will receive checks from the U.S. government. Cruelly, many of our neighbors will be left out of this critically important relief simply because of their immigration status. 
April 2020
Response Fund
During this global health crisis, undocumented and immigrant communities are particularly at risk. In times of need, undocumented families don't have access to basic necessities like health insurance, paid sick leave, and unemployment.
April 2020
Response Fund
As we face one of the worst pandemics of our lifetimes, we know that our best chance of weathering the storm is to pool our resources and help the people in our communities that need it most. APEN is organizing a COVID-19 Emergency Community Stabilization Fund to make sure that the working class Asian immigrants and refugees in our communities have what they need to stay home and stay healthy during this pandemic.
April 2020
Response Fund
The spread of coronavirus is affecting everyone we know here in Tucson. But our friends and neighbors who have been hit the hardest - those who are here without legal status - face the steepest obstacles to getting the support they need.
April 2020
Response Fund
The National UndocuFund will provide financial assistance to undocumented people affected by the COVID-19 emergency who cannot receive benefits from the government stimulus plan even though they are some of the most hard hit. 
April 2020
Response Fund
Blue Meridian Partners is deploying capital to organizations focused on vulnerable communities as an immediate response to the current crisis.
April 2020
Response Fund


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