Advancing Economic Justice Community of Practice

A collage of people holding signsDescription automatically generatedThe Advancing Economic Justice Community of Practice is designed to bring together funders engaged in, or interested in exploring, grantmaking practices that support positive economic outcomes for immigrant and refugee communities. While the specific topics and strategies to be explored will be informed by participant interest and experience, GCIR anticipates that discussions may take place in the areas of:

  • Building worker power and responding to exploitative practices in industries including those that immigrants are overrepresented in, such as farm work, domestic work, and meat packing.
  • Identifying intersections between broader economic policies and immigrant communities, such as Universal Basic Income pilots, minimum wage laws, and union organizing efforts.
  • Supporting women’s economic empowerment, including via family planning and family care policies, addressing workplace discrimination and gender pay gaps, and supporting pay for women operating in the informal economy.
  • Planning for the impacts of climate change and increased natural disasters, as well as the evolving nature of work, which can pose both health challenges and labor market disruptions.
  • Advancing work authorization and labor market participation policies and opportunities as they apply to DACA holders, asylum seekers, refugees, and temporary workers.

In this community, funders will have the opportunity to share knowledge and grantmaking strategies; brainstorm and solicit support from their peers; learn from researchers, advocates, and others working on economic justice; and explore policy and advocacy opportunities in alignment with grantmaking portfolios.

To learn more about the Advancing Economic Justice Community of Practice, contact Kevin Douglas, Senior Director of National Programs.


Photo credits from L-R:">">Photo by">">barb howe on">">Flickr, is licensed under">CC BY 2.0.">">Photo by">">Alessandro Biascioli on">">iStock.">">Photo by">">andrewswd on">">iStock.">">Photo by">">Unitarian Universalist Service Committee on">">Flickr, is licensed under">CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0.