
Response Fund
April 10, 2020

Hosted by Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the COVID-19 Regional Response Fund will work with trusted lead partner organizations in the 10-county Bay Area region. The fund will provide operating grants to the organizations listed below, which have deep roots in the community. These lead organizations, in turn, will support those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Response Fund
April 10, 2020

Currently, due to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic we are seeing that this is disproportionally affecting undocumented indigenous people. Given that most of the workers in the service sector, housekeepers and restaurant are undocumented-indigenous many have lost their income and cannot apply for unemployment or receive any help from the federal government.

Response Fund
April 3, 2020

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey announced Friday he will use his emergency powers to create a $5 million forgivable loan program to help renters and small businesses affected by the economic fallout from the spread of COVID-19.

Unlike federal and state relief packages, families will be eligible for assistance regardless of their immigration or documentation status — offering a lifeline to thousands of people living in the city.


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