Immigrant Children, Youth & Families

Join Unbound, GCIR, Four Freedoms Fund and leaders from the field for a conversation on equitable approaches to dealing with the fallout when migration and climate change interact.
July 2021
Working Families Party: Hurricanes at Climate Change_Protest
Join Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) for a special two-part series with experts from the field on understanding the challenges and opportunities along the southern border, with an emphasis on the role philanthropy can play at this critical stage.
April 2021
Partner Program
Program Image: Two families waiting at the bus stop
Join Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) for a special two-part series with experts from the field on understanding the challenges and opportunities along the southern border, with an emphasis on the role philanthropy can play at this critical stage.
April 2021
Partner Program
Program Image: Two families waiting at the bus stop
Join us to learn about how public-private partnerships were formed and how they are structured. In this webinar, you will understand how these partnerships are leveraging expertise and resources to address urgent needs and lay the groundwork for long-term equitable recovery and rebuilding.   
May 2020
Join the New Florida Majority and Resilience Force for a conversation about equity in hurricane recovery in florida.
February 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
The Florida Majority and Resilience Force Logos_A Conversation About Equity in Hurricane Recovery in Florida
Please join Northern California Grantmakers and experts to hear about best practices for supporting people with the least access to resources: 1) people with disabilities, 2) immigrants and farm workers, 3) low-income residents, and 4) older adults and seniors.
October 2019
Co-Sponsored Program
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