Philanthropic News

Farewell message from Daranee Petsod, founding president of GCIR.
December 2020
Philanthropic News
Resource from Bolder Advocacy that details actions private foundations can take given a contested election.
November 2020
Philanthropic News
Threats against foundations and nonprofits supporting immigrant rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, and other progressive causes are on the rise, prompting some donors to pour more money into helping organizations and leaders stay safe.
October 2020
Philanthropic News
As immigrant workers and families with low incomes across the country are disproportionately affected by the economic and health impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, state and local communities are stepping in to fill the gaps left by limited federal relief efforts. Not only do these efforts need to be available and tailored to immigrant community needs, but they also must focus on creating effective outreach to immigrant audiences.
July 2020
Philanthropic News
A pledge from California philanthropic organizations: The COVID–19 public health and economic crisis and the murders of Black Americans by police, have laid bare the deep inequities across our state. We need bold steps to ensure a future based on economic inclusion, racial equity, and compassionate humanity.
July 2020
Philanthropic News
As Californians we know that our own well-being is tied to everyone else’s. California’s Immigrant Resilience Fund is making headlines demonstrating that we are standing together to make sure each and every one of us—native and newcomer—has resources to prevail through the outbreak.
May 2020
Philanthropic News
As COVID-19 fears rise and communities face growing health and economic concerns, local nonprofits are stepping up to fill the gaps in our social safety net while trying to protect our families and communities. Public schools are closing from Washington to Arkansas, and children are losing school meals, safe space, and basic medical care—putting an even bigger strain on the limited childcare and healthcare infrastructure in the U.S.
March 2020
Philanthropic News
Why have funders been caught so off-guard here?  Why have funders been caught so off-guard here?
March 2020
Philanthropic News
In California, fear has gripped immigrant communities as federal authorities—newly empowered by the Trump administration—step up arrests and deportations. ... Foundations are also stepping forward to support immigrants.
March 2017
Philanthropic News


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