Philanthropic News

A week ago, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees issued a powerful joint statement calling on funders to take a stand against President Trump’s executive orders on immigrants and refugees.
NCRP Philanthropy Silence Not Acceptable
February 2017
Philanthropic News
As a Mexican immigrant dedicated to building my career in the philanthropy space, I’m deeply moved and inspired by the Joint Foundation Statement on Immigration organized by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees.
February 2017
Philanthropic News
Over 70 foundations have signed a joint statement on immigration in the wake of President Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim countries.
February 2017
Philanthropic News
It took a bit of time, but foundation leaders—some of them, anyway—are now speaking out against the Trump administration’s executive orders banning refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim countries.
Inside Philanthropy: Scary Times: Foundations, Trumpism, and the Fear Factor
February 2017
Philanthropic News


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